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Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  It has been an absolute privilege and joy serving this amazing Anacapa Middle School community over the past few years.  At Anacapa we begin and end with our 5 pillar programs and focus areas: 1) TWI (Two Way Immersion) 2) RCA House System (Ron Clark Academy) 3) WEB (Where Everyone Belongs)/Leadership 4) Elective Classes 5) SEL (Social Emotional Learning).

Our goal is for all of our students to leave Anacapa with the academic preparation for a successful high school experience.  As a staff, we will continue our commitment to being a Professional Learning Community (PLC), which means we will focus on collaboration, data, best practices, and timely intervention. Additionally, we are intentional about teaching and modeling the importance of social/emotional health.  We want our students to be resilient, establish and maintain healthy relationships, have self-awareness and utilize healthy coping strategies. 

We believe in a “village” approach at Anacapa to provide the best experience for our students.  This means everyone is responsible and contributes to our school culture.  We value our partnerships with parents to optimize the learning and growth of each student.  We look forward to working with you and your child/children during this school year. Please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions about the school or daily procedures.

Discipline & Climate for Learning

Anacapa has adopted The Ron Clark Academy’s philosophies of building a positive school culture around unity, relationships and service. Implementing a House System has provided a positive behavior reward system. Houses rally together for competitions, community service projects, creating an overall sense of belonging and community. Students take pride in their Houses and show school spirit on the daily.

Our SEL focus is comprehensive.  Our amazing counseling staff provides small group opportunities, whole class lessons, mediations and one on one sessions with students.  Additionally, we collaborate with community entities to expand our range of social/emotional services for our students.  We have a fabulous wellness center (Rincon Room) for students to utilize during break time and when in need of emotional support. 

We utilize a Restorative Justice approach when addressing discipline issues.   We believe in empowering students to be resourceful, use healthy coping strategies and to continually improve on conflict resolution.  We have a comprehensive progressive discipline system in place.